Some Mailing-Lists and New-Groups of French-speaking SF
Connect you directly to one of the most frequented of the french speaking news-group
ELECTROSLASH The mailing-list of Wil Waechter, reserved to the subscribers of the magazine SLASH
The mailing-list of the club PDE inform you on the SF and on the activities of the Club

SFFranco mail to JL Trudel to register to the french speaking mailing list.
Some of the French-speaking's webs, devoted to Science-Fiction
nooSFere The site of the Meta-Association devoted to SF, regrouping :
You seek a title, news, an author in french: Cyborg's basis contains at least 13000 references. A nice site to seek informations about SF litterature..
The very rich site of Alexandre Garcia devoted to SF, extracts from novels, current events, pages of authors :
Pierre Bordage
Roland C.Wagner
Paul Borrelli
Laurent Kloetzer
Jean-Marc Ligny

Visions du futur. The Site of the SF festival of Paris.

the pages from Eric Demeester, with the excellentFAQ of the news group devoted to SFfr.rec.arts.sfand particularly well documented.
Philosophy and SF (French) by Nathalie Labrousse...
Les chants de l'E-troubadour Marco The Marco Site.
Transition The beautiful and very rich site of Maxence devoted to the cyberculture
An Zero, An 3000 The excellent site of the observatory of the year 2000. Prospective, science-fiction, bibliography, gallery, the year 2000 in the history of the SF... and the Eiffel tower's Science-Fiction award.
Le Club Présences d'Esprits (PDE) " devoted to the diffusion and promotion of the fantastic imaginary in all its forms, known or to create, expressed in ludic universes, literary, pictorial, musical or all other artistic or cultural field. "
00h00 on-line SF publisher. Inescapable titles, rare SF novels, from paper format to electronic format.
Une autre terre The site of Fabrice Lhomme, with news, novels One-Line, and his novels critics.
La spirale The Cyberpunk Site of Laurent Courau with interviews of french Science-Fiction authors and designers...and a big interview of me about SF and art.

Alone in space ???
SLASH, 146.50 frs /Kg
ICQ 5937847
LES IMAGINAUTES the OFFICIAL SITE of Company X, devoted to the imaginary news

Isaac Asimov Fabrice Fauconnier's site, dedicated to the father of the three laws...
The site Alx's dedicated to the cyberpunk art
Download WinSF for PC users WinSF

WinSF is a specific software dedicated to the literature of Science-Fiction.
It is between an encyclopedic consultation tool, and a personal library administrator.

Pages Françaises de Science-Fiction the site of Jean-Jacques Girardot devoted to the SF news
Quarante-Deux private center for documentation about literature and Science-Fiction graphics, proposes to gradually place in French, on the Internet, various bibliography, critics, writings or graphics on the kind
Le Fongus Papivore SF, fantasy and horror very large repertory of short-stories on-line...
GAMETE: Groupe Autarcique en Milieu Extraterrestre TErraformé "the first extraterrestrial human colony. "
A very large repertory of SF short stories on line

Le Bhazzar de l'Hyper Vide® Le leader dans la diffusion des produits ailletèque.

trans-temporal connection on a link coming from the future, by Nicolas Rey of V-FOrm, creator on Silicon of part of the 3D effects of ALIEN 4.

Chez Fred Critical and bibliographical notes of a traditional SF fan.
SKUNKS Site devoted to the SF with short stories on line by various authors, criticisms...
Le site de la Compagnie des Forgeurs de Rêves. drawings of young authors, news, role games, and a great number of informations related to the activities of the role play in France and elsewhere.
CHRONOS Le site perso d'Arnaud Leyssens.
"the purpose of This site is to present the main pieces of science fiction, by replacing them in a chronological order, building a history of the kind."

Chroniques du pays des rêves the site of Claude Beaunis (Still a breton). Who show a panorama of his recent readings.
Space Genesis a novel SF on-line, contributive or interactive novels, various news, links etc...
La Clef d'ArgentPublisher. Old fashion Fantastic and contemporary peculiarities
BIFROST the site of the Belial editions and the Bifrost magazine devoted to the SF, with news and biographies of authors on line.
Proxima Fanzine devoted to the science fiction, fantastic, the fantasy, the horror and the unclassable
RECENSEMENT SF the site of Jean-Yves who proposes an "experimental Census of the French-speaking WEB resources, dedicated to the marvellous world (c) of the Science-Fiction."
La Clepsydre is an amateur webzine in French language on the topic of time in the literature, the audio-visual and the mixed media. It is interested particularly in the fictions treating: time travel, time paradoxes, secret stories, uchronies, parallel worlds and the accounts based on great historical myths.
Markus Leichtthe site of the writer, and artist Markus Leicht, devoted to the SF. images, short stories on line, criticisms...
Silmarilsa beautiful graphic site especially devoted to heroic-Fantasy. Criticisms and links.
l'à Venir SF publisher
Cyborg. Comics & SF
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